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Creating a painting represents an endless work process consisting of colors and shapes.
It is a process in finding my true self deep within and finally becomes my own when light and dark reaches a harmonic balance. To possess such colors and shapes is somewhat like harnessing an agony and thus without completely owning them it is impossible to be free from color.
In substituting the Eastern sentiment founded by realism I seek to explore a new variation of a painting. It is not only about portraying the reality aspect of a material, but also to express theinternal aspects from a mental perspective. Thus my beloved subject matter such as a flower is, in essence, a representation of my delight and freedom. A flower is not only a figure for the seeing-eye but acts as a channel to express my deep and subjective emotions within.
Creating a painting represents an endless work process consisting of colors and shapes.
It is a process in finding my true self deep within and finally becomes my own when light and dark reaches a harmonic balance. To possess such colors and shapes is somewhat like harnessing an agony and thus without completely owning them it is impossible to be free from color.
In substituting the Eastern sentiment founded by realism I seek to explore a new variation of a painting. It is not only about portraying the reality aspect of a material, but also to express theinternal aspects from a mental perspective. Thus my beloved subject matter such as a flower is, in essence, a representation of my delight and freedom. A flower is not only a figure for the seeing-eye but acts as a channel to express my deep and subjective emotions within.
봄 날에 물드는 것 The Stain in Spring Days 2020 Acrylic on Canvas 60.6x72.7cm
Peony-Bless 2017 Acrylic on Canvas 91x116.7cm
Peony-Wealth 2018 Gold Leaf and Acrylic on Canvas 53x65.1cm
Peony-Wealth 2017 Acrylic on Canvas 60.6x72.7cm
Rose-Joy 2018 Acrylic on Canvas 60.6x72.7cm
보고 싶은 마음 A Longing Heart 2020 Acrylic on Canvas 65.2x80.3cm